Different color roses in box
45 cm.
40 cm.

Different color roses in box

99.9 $in pictureCompactMore
123.66 $in pictureStandardMore
165.73 $in pictureDeluxeMore
Number of roses
Rose (50 cm.) (lilac)
Rose (50 cm.) (pink)
Rose (50 cm.) (cream)
Box (standard)
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13 January
14 January
15 January
Time in Kiev is 21:58. Orders for delivery are accepted until 22:00 today.
Minimal cost of gifts - 98 $
99.9 $
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Impeccable work since 1998.
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Would you like to utter your tender feelings and love without a word? Give a unique lilac, pink, and cream roses to your woman. She has never seen such flowers! Hat box looks original and lets the flowers last for a very long time, pleasing with their beauty and aroma. Such an unusual bouquet of roses will turn a simple date into an unforgettable holiday. Do not hesitate, this bouquet will spark a furor, and will be remembered as one of the most beautiful!
The size of the arrangement shown in the picture is approximate.